January 13, 2014

What is today? FML day?

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So I had a pretty screwed up day. щ(ಠ益ಠщ) It all started about 7AM this morning. I was scheduled to have surgery this morning, and I was to arrive at the hospital around 8:30A. I get there on time, and I am told I'm going to have blood drawn, and urine (excuse my bluntness) taken again. I am fine with this. My surgeon performing the surgery was to arrive at 9:30A. So once I have all the necessaries taken, am stripped of my clothes and placed in a hospital gown - I lay in a bed awaiting for my surgeons arrival.

9:30 rolls around and no sign or word. ( ̄へ ̄)Okay, sure... I can wait. Maybe you're running a little late. It is only 9:30am.. Time rolls on and still no sign or word of this fool. At almost 1PM. 1 FRIGGIN P.M... I get word from nurse that his wife went into labor and my surgery would be set as a priority of his for next week.
I nearly went on a rampage for that. Like I spent the time, effort and money to get there and on time. Not to mention the hassle it took me to make that appointment... and this happens.

This year started off as a derp anyhow. What could I possibly expect? 

For the year to go better. That's what.

Anyways.... Less complaining more positivity!

So yesterday (Sunday) was the first sunny day in a long time and because I thought it was gonna be the last day to enjoy while I heal up from my surgery for a while I decided to dress up and look perty.

I just decided to blog again after having not blogged in over a year. I just either didn't think I had much to blog about or just lacked complete motivation to blog. Buuuut then the year ended and I realized I missed prime blogging material.

Sooo - here I am again. Blogging once more! I will have better blog post coming soon. I promise. With pictures and more. :)

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