September 30, 2012

Back to blogging.

Well hello there blogger world. Some of you may remember be, and some of you may not. Regardless, I'm basically going to reintroduce myself. I used to go by Dei, some of you maybe allowed to call me that still but now I'd rather go by the name of which I was given - Chanel.

I'm currently 21, I live in Maryland and I am a freelance model --  basically enjoying my life while I can at the moment. The last time I ever wrote a blog post, was back in February of this year. I was going through so much and have been through so much in the past 9 months I've been away from the open blog world. I'll keep it short and simple. I was broke, depressed and going through a crappy relationship with a guy I know now cared nothing really about me. He cheated on me repeatedly and that played on a lot of my self-esteem. To this day, I can still openly admit it still does but, I can say I am free of his tyranny and I'm proud to be a single person slowly but surely finding out who I am in this world. Remember me now?

This was me a few months ago. Sad, confused and utterly in love. Typical problems for a girl, no?
And this is me now.. Still confused to the world. Still in love with the idiot. But, more me and more free!

The above is just one of many recent photos. I am more inclined to take photos of myself now. My self esteem is no longer... shattered. Still a bit cracked, but ultimately not shattered. I now have a total 4 tattoos and a septum piercing. My hair has gone from red, to blonde, to bangs, to wavy, to purple, to straight, to curly, to wavy, bangs and everything I can think of:

Just my looks from April til Now.

I love how versatile I can be now and I haven't stopped yet. I've bought so many clothes over the past months it doesn't even make any sense, and I could finally afford a new phone! I travelled a lot (mainly back and forth between D.C, home, NY, Baltimore and I went to Miami once.) Things, despite all the bad that has happened, has gotten a lot sweeter. And I bought this baby:

My name is Shio! Nice to meet you. I'm evil to my mommy. But I still wuv her.  

I believe I definitely have a lot more to blog about now. Less to complain about, more fun to be had is now my motto. I'm a bit more open minded about things and my head is a lot clearer! And I'm glad to be back in the blogging world. I'm off now to go read blogs that I haven't read in months, discover new ones and just relax.

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